Co-Owners Piper Corbett & Robert Horner
Our History
Propolis was established in June of 2012 with the sole intent to produce high-quality handcrafted herbal ales inspired by Old World tradition, local resources and the rhythms of nature. Our ales are brewed with various wild-crafted herbs and are seasonally based. Many of our Ales blend several styles and are hard to classify by traditional beer guidelines. We are primarily inspired by the farmhouse tradition of France and Belgium, as well as Old World Ales that no longer exist. We are artists and scientists at heart and we aspire to challenge the norm.

Propolis Brewing began brewing on 1bbl (31 gallons) Brewhouse in a small book bindery studio on Hastings Avenue in Port Townsend, WA. For the first 3.5 years we ventured to over 7 farmers markets in the region to represent and sell our unique capped & corked 750ml Champagne bottles of handcrafted Ale.
In 2016, needing important space to grown, we opened our first Taproom in an old metal lumber building & historical brick making building in the Port District of Port Townsend. The new location has provided us space for our 15bbl Brewhouse, as well as retail space and outdoor seating. We have been able to continue the production of our core/seasonal organic ales as well as expand our barrel-aged fruit & sour program. Since opening our taproom Propolis has expanded our format options to allow for 375 ml bottles in addition to our well known 750 ml bottle format. In 2020 we began canning a variety of unique beers these can be found in 16 oz 4-packs.
We invite our guests to experience “A taste of our home”, by connecting, exploring and expanding the culinary art of our Ales and the celebration of the beautiful and unique botanicals ingredients that create our terroir, inspire our art and deepen our sense of place and community. Propolis Taproom is an all-ages taproom, serving our community through positive inclusion and maintaining a safe tranquil environment for the appreciation of our Ales & Community.
Pro - Polis
“Before” - “City”
The term “propolis” comes from two Greek words: “pro,” which means “before,” and “polis,” which means “city.” This ancient term came into being centuries ago when some early Greek student of Nature established the fact that honeybees use propolis to narrow the opening into their “cities,” or hives, to keep out unwelcome intruders. Propolis is a sticky resin that seeps from the buds of some trees and oozes from the bark of other trees, chiefly conifers. The bees gather propolis, sometimes called bee glue, and carry it home in their pollen baskets. The term “Propolis” is a metaphor...a reference to a time long past. Propolis encourages us to look to our surroundings for inspiration and health.

Just as the bees look to the local plants for the ingredients that make up their Propolis, we also look to our environment for the seasonal ingredients that make up our herbal ales. Similar to the antiseptic properties of bee-propolis, many of the herbs historically utilized in brewing were incorporated for anti-bacterial and medicinal properties. For thousands of years beer served as food and medicine; it had anti-septic, anti- bacterial and anti-viral properties. Old world ales were referred to as “gruits” and were created from various malted grains and bittering herbs. Proprietary herbal blends were passed down from generation to generation as was the knowledge of how each herb served to promote health throughout the year. We carefully selected local herbs and botanical that bitter and flavor our ales. Our herbal blends are developed to harmonize with the spectrum of malt that shifts from light to dark with the sun and the harvest.

Propolis Ales are brewed using 100% Certfied Organic Pacific Northwest Malted Barley and Wheat, as well as Organically sourced un-malted wheat, spelt, oats and rye. We utilize locally grown organic herbs, wild-craft herbs fruits and flowers from the forest and the fields that surround Port Townsend. The sustainable approach to our ales extends beyond the walls of our brewery as we partner with local farms and wild-crafters from the collection of fruits and flowers to the composting and reclaiming of spent grain. Many of our ales are brewed in batches under 50 cases with each vintage unique to the “Flavors of the Season”.

Many of our ales are also rooted in the traditions and techniques of the farmhouse ales of France and Belgium. These ales were historically crisp, light & refreshing. Saisons were brewed for farm workers to enjoy during the hot summer work in the fields. Historically, these ales incorporated wild yeast and were very dry with a rustic bite. Our ales are brewed in a rustic fashion to produce a dry ale with a well-balanced prfile. We brew with seasonal herbs & botanicals that contribute flavor and bitterness.

Mixed Culture
Propolis Ales are fermented with a blend of yeasts and microbes. Our Ales are blends of French & Belgian Yeast cultures, as well as local indigenous yeast and micorobe cultures. We isolate and cultivate many wild Brettanomyces strains specfic to the Olympic Peninsula. These cultures take residence in our barrels residing for many years while they slowly consume the very regimented and controlled diet we have provided for our microbial partners during this aging process.
We utilize locally sourced varieties of ancient land- race grains that serve as food caches during the barrel aging phases of our ales. Our barrels our sources from local wineries, and are selected specifically for existing cultures, past varietals and quality.

Each Propolis Ale is carefully blended for the ideal taste, clarity and balance. We vintage all of our ales as to distinguish the uniqueness of the seasonal swings that each year brings. Our Ales are conditioning in both keg and bottle formats. This enlivens the cultures of the ale and provides stability and longevity.

Historically Belgian-Style ales are bottle-conditioned for superior aging and stability. We Cork and cap our bottles for the most reliable and stable closure. As our ales are capable our aging in the cellar for multiple years we utilize thick-walled Champagne- style bottles for durability and quality of glass. As cellars can sometimes be dark and dank, we cap over our corks to protect the cork and prevent the cork from escaping the bottle.
We package our farmhouse-sytle ales in both 750ml and 375 ml format. Large format bottles are ideal for cellar aging and sharing with friends or enjoying with food. Small format bottles are more approachable for single servings, and also allow consumers to purchase multiple samples of the same ales for aging. This allows consumers the option to appreciate the manner in which the ales increases in complexity and balance as they are aged.

We Utilize a high-quality Diam II cork, traditionally used in Belgian-style beers. This cork allows for a superior closure and will ensure that any Propolis Ale that is aged for multiple years will be consumed and enjoyed as was intended.

Awards and Recognition
Sahti - Silver medal Tacoma Craft Beer festival
Beltane- Gold Medal - Great American Beer Festival - American style Brettanomyces beer
Litha - Bronze medal Washington Beer awards - Belgian Ale
Spruce - Gold-Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Belgian Ale
Beltane - Gold medal Washington Beer awards - American style Brettanomyces beer
Gardin - Silver medal Washington Beer awards - American style Brettanomyces beer
Fennel - Bronze medal Washington Beer awards - Herb and Spice beer
Cedar - Bronze- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Belgian Ale
Zephyros - Silver- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Wild Ale
Pi- Bronze Medal - Great American Beer Festival - Fruit Wood aged sour beer
Sigrid- Bronze - Best of Craft beer Awards
Wild Woods- Double Gold- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Wild Ale
Beltane - Silver- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Wild Ale
Melissa- - Silver- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Saison
Rubus Kiss- Gold- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Fruit Beer
Kriek - Gold- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Sour Beer
Oak Aged Sour- Bronze Medal - Great American Beer Festival - Wood aged sour beer
Birch - Gold- Best of the Northwest SIP magazine - Wild Ale